

Best Answer

There are two kinds of membership for Moshi Monsters.

The Basic Membership (free) allows access to parts of Moshi Monsters.

To access all areas of Moshi Monsters you need to have a paid Moshi Membership.

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Q: How do you enter real of Moshi Monsters?
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How do you enter Moshi Monsters cheat codes?

Cheating is not allowed on Moshi Monsters.

Is Moshi Monsters about real monsters?

Moshi Monsters is a real online game that you play using animated characters.

Who sends a gift when you first enter moshi monsters?

Roary Scrawl does he is in charge of Moshi Monsters.

Where do you enter the code for Dustbin Beaver on moshi monsters?

You have to be part of the moshi monsters magazine and you will then get the trashy tulip

How do you get to the Underground Disco on Moshi Monsters without being a moshi member?

You can't. You have to be a paid Moshi Member on Moshi Monsters to enter the Underground Disco.

How do you enter your moshi monsters mash up code?

If you have a secret code then you can enter this into the secret code box on the sign in page of the Moshi Monsters website.

What is the real name for the 2 people who started moshi monsters?

Moshi Monsters was thought up by Mr Moshi.

What is Dr. Strangeglove's real name in Moshi Monsters?

Lavender Troggs is Dr Strangeglove's real name in Moshi Monsters.

Are moshlings real?

No, Moshlings are not real! Moshlings are creatures that can be caught by the Moshi Monsters in an online game called Moshi Monsters.

Why do you have to enter your email on moshi monsters is it safe?

Yes it is safe. It just lets your parents know you are in Moshi Monsters.

How do you type something on Moshi Monsters?

The main place you can type on Moshi Monsters is your Pinboard, located in the top left corner of the 1st room in your Moshi Monsters house and on your friend's Pinboards. You can also type on the Forums and comment on news in the Daily Growl. You also type to enter codes on Moshi Monsters. There is a link at the bottom of the Moshi Monsters game pages that says "ENTER SECRET CODE!" Click on that link and it takes you to a page where you can enter codes. Click on 'Enter Code Here' and enter your code.

What is better Moshi Monsters or bin wevels?

moshi monsters binweevils sucks you cant even enter A SINGLE CODE!!