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first of all you need game genie or GameShark, search the code! you dum

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Q: How do you duplicate items in Pokemon Red version?
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Can you duplicate items or Pokemon's in Pokemon fire red?


Can you duplicate Pokemon in any Pokemon gba game?

in fire red version go to island four if you have a ditto and put the Pokemon with the ditto in the day care there and wait for the egg and in the egg there is the Pokemon you put with ditto p.s.can not duplicate rare Pokemon in fire red version go to island four if you have a ditto and put the Pokemon with the ditto in the day care there and wait for the egg and in the egg there is the Pokemon you put with ditto p.s.can not duplicate rare Pokemon

Can you rent a Pokemon on red version?

you cannot rent any Pokemon in red version

How do you get rock smash on Pokemon Red version?

rock smash isn't in Pokemon red version

Duplicate Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond code?

i don't know the code but there is another way you can if you have a fire red you catch a ditto and send him to the diamond version then you take any Pokemon rare candy or poke ball and they have an egg and you hatch it and its the Pokemon you put with ditto

Can you trade Pokemon from fire red version to the original red version?


How do you get all three Pokemon on Pokemon Red version?

You can't, you can only do that on Pokemon yellow version

Why can you not migrate red version Pokemon to emerald version?

Red version was not made to migrate with emerald.

Can you trade Pokemon from red version to gold version?


What is Pokemon brown?

A modified version of Pokemon Red.

Can you trade items for Pokemon Blue to Pokemon Red?

In a way, yes. You can give items to your Pokemon and trade them.

Is there a way to copy items in ANY Pokemon game?

In the first series of games RED AND BLUE AND YELLOW you can find a missingno and it will duplicate your 6th item to x99 You'll need to get a certain lv of special of a Pokemon to bring forth a missingno, but keep in mind that not all missingno duplicate items and some can really screw up your game :) you should look around to see what ones people have fought