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You cant do it in leaf green, only in Emerald....

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Q: How do you duplicate an item in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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How do you duplicate a Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

i don't think you can:/

How do you get a mist stone in Pokemon LeafGreen?

That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.

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That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.

How do you duplicate Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen without Ditto?

yes, with the action replay go to for the codes

How do you duplicate a item in Pokemon HeartGold?

press it and move it

How do you duplicate on Pokemon LeafGreen?

first catch a ditto. then go to island 4 where you can breed pokemon. put the ditto in with a pokemon. the lady will tell you they dont like each other but they will breed a duplicate pokemon.

How do you duplicate Pokemon in Pokemon Pokemon LeafGreen?

you can only duplicate items in the game by going through this process: 1) Enter a Double Battle in your game. 2) Send out a Ditto with no item and a Pokemon with the item you want to duplicate. 3) Have Ditto use Transform on the Pokemon with the item. 4) Switch the Pokemon that was stolen from with a Pokemon that can use Thief. 5) Use Thief on your own Ditto. 6) Win the battle. Now the player obviously has two of that item.

How do you duplicate rare candy in Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon?

Using the action replay, if you don't have one, go to

Where is the magmarizer in Pokemon LeafGreen?

No where, as it as Gen 4 item.

How do you get a dubious disk in Pokemon LeafGreen to evolve porygon2?

That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.

How can you duplicate metal coat in Pokemon FireRed?

Don't need to because you can get more from leafgreen or Pokemon colosseum and Pokemon xd gale of darkness.

Where do you get the Upgrade item in Pokemon LeafGreen?

in the trainer tower . it is a reward.