

Best Answer

1.) First you have to go to and then Download the FSX Weapons Pack

2.) When the downloads finished there are 2 different packs British and US Weapons pack open both up.

3.) Copy and Paste all the bombs to your c:/ Program Files (X86)/ Microsoft Games/ Microsoft Flight Simulator X/ Sim Objects/ Misc/ folder.

4.) Copy and paste the fx folder for the explosion and if it says replace than replace it.

5.) Open FSX and go to saved and call the file what ever you want and save it.

6.) Open your (Documents) folder and open (Flight Simulator X Files) than navigate to the file with the same name you saved the flight from step 5 and right click on it.

7.) When you've right clicked to to the open with options and click Notepad.

8.) open the readme file from the weapons pack along with the one you just opened.

9.) Copy and the part were it says [DroppableObjects.0]

ObjectSet.0=*bomb name*, ^Amount of bombs^) from the weapons file.

10.) Next go to the saved file and scroll all the way to the bottom then go to that little space and press enter once and then paste the [DroppableObjects.0]

ObjectSet.0=**********, ^^^^^^^^^^^^ there.

11.) than save as the name of the saved file and replace it.

12.) than open up fsx and go to load and open the name of that saved file than fly. Shift+D to drop bomb

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