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You can drop the hat with= and you can drop your Weapon with Backspace when you are using that gear.
The best way to get a plane on Roblox is by just going to free models, but be careful there there might be some with viruses, like the ROFL virus, then you would have to reset your place.
learn to script or use free models
Push the "Backspace" button on your keyboard. If it still does not drop, then push the Backspace button repeatedly.
No, there is no mechanism to attach them to the aircraft.
See the related links for which bombs the Junkers 88 dropped. It has the statistics and a little history on this German bomber plane.
B 52 bombers
Don't Drop Bombs was created in 1989-10.
The number of bombs that one plane can carry depends on the plane and the size of the bombs. During WW2, the B-29 Superfortress could carry 20,000 pounds of bombs or approximately 5 to 15 bombs.
president Truman was the president who decided to drop the a bombs president Truman was the president who decided to drop the A bombs
it depends on what type of air plane. no transportation planes don't drop bombs because they might hurt the passengers
they were atomic bombs.
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Yes there is a bomber plane that is called a B-17 they also used small bomber planes like a dive bomber and so did Germans/Nazis. There is one plane that drop bombs that is called a stuka. To like bomb ships and even ground troops like American tanks ground troops .Navy and they sometimes even drop bombs on submarines as they were diving but they were not fast enough American b17 was a flying fortress Americans use it to bomb Nazi warehouses airfields and even factories.