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you right click if i'm not correct and im thinking about a different thing then aim at the ground by your feet and right click and it will explode and give you what ever your potion does for you

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Q: How do you drink a potion on minecraft?
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What does the awkward potion in minecraft do?

If you drink an awkward potion, it doesn't do anything. That's what makes it so awkward for you when you drink it.

How do you drink a potion I n minecraft with out a mouse?

Hold down right click.

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Redstone makes the potion last longer when you drink it.

How can you have a potion effect on Minecraft?

no1 likes minecraft stop playing it

What can you do with nether warts minecraft?

Netherwarts is a key component in potion brewing. I suggest going to the minecraft wiki for more detail on potion brewing.

How do you drink potion in Legend of Zelda?

Set the potion of your choice to one of the C BUTTONS and then click that C button to drink the potion

What do you do with a green potion on runescape?

A green potion is an antipoison for poison. So if you are poisoned just drink the antipoison potion. You can drink the potion three times before it empties. if it is full

How do you make an experience potion in Minecraft?

to make an experience potion in Minecraft: Brew an Awkward Potion (Nether Wart + Water Bottle) Add Glowstone Dust to the Awkward Potion This will create a Potion of Experience that grants a temporary experience boost when consumed.

How do you make a fire resistance potion in minecraft?

combine magma cream and the awkward potion

How can you brew a splash potion of poison in minecraft?

Water bottle+ Neather warts= Awkward potion Awkward potion+ Spider Eye= Potion of poison Potion of poison+ Gunpowder= Splash potion of poison

What is the drink you potion in Alice in Wonderland called?

The drink in Alice in Wonderland is called "Drink Me." It is a mysterious potion that makes Alice shrink in size after she consumes it.

How do you make a posion potion on minecraft?

There are no instant kill potions in minecraft at the moment, just potion of harming, which can do 3 or 6 hearts of damage.