

Best Answer

ask your parents to download the Club Penguin trainer but club penguin cant be downloade

Before logging on ask you parents for permission. And kids why dont you take a break off of the internet and play outside. And Im not trying to sound like an old grump but Believe me your better off w/out it ! ;)

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Q: How do you download Club Penguin?
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Can you download on Club Penguin?

If you mean wether you can download stuff from Club Penguin, then, yes! You can download stuff from them such as Club Penguin wallpapers.

Where can you download penguin fire for Club Penguin?

You can download penguin fire at But there is a better version of penguin fire and it is Club Penguin Storm 7 and you can download it at and it REALLY WORKS!!!

Where can you download penguin lightning for Club Penguin?

is called penguin storm not penguin lightning and you can no longer download it due to a club penguin update that blocked this software from being used

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How To Cheat On Club Penguin?

download penguin storm

Club Penguin blizzard download?

You can download club penguin blizzard at http// I really hoped that helped thx!

Can you download club penguin?

There is no use to download it. ITS ON THE INTERNET

Can you play Club Penguin on a samsung corby?

yes you can download club penguin app

Is Club Penguin a download?

no it is online.

How do you download cp trainer for club penguin?

you need to have a HP computer and search it on google,''download cp trainer club penguin.''

How do you download stuff from your club penguin game for ds to Club Penguin?

you need to have wi-fi