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First you talk to the octopus on the Caribbean Beach. Then go to the castle to see Kamaria. Then go to the Caribbean Beach and talk to the octopus again. Go to the volcano and look through the telescope. Look at the bottom left corner and click on the yellow dot. Talk to the panda sitting on the rock. Go to the restaurant in San Franpanfu. On the bottom right of the screen you will see a plate of chicken. Then go back to the volcano and look at the telescope. Look at the bottom left corner and click on the yellow dot. Give the chicken to the panda sitting on the rock.

After 1 day go back to the panda. Then talk to Kamaria in the castle. Then, go back to the Caribbean Beach, and talk to the octopus. Go to the Old Harbor and talk to the fisherman. Then get the key from the volcano. Go to the Old Harbor and talk to the fisherman. He will tell you to come back tomorrow. Then go to the Kiosk that at the swimming pool and get the fuel. Then go back to the fisherman. He will tell you to come back 1 days.

After 2 days passed talk the fisherman and click on the motor boat, and go to the island. On the island, talk to the pirate. Jump on the stones spelling "William" then talk to him after that. Click on every coconut you find in the island. Talk to him . Then click on every crab on the island and talk to them. Then you chose weather to take the treasure or not. And then, if you choose the clue everyone will be happy but if you choose the treasure not everyone will be happy you choose and then talk to the Pirate he will tell you to go back to Panfu and then you have completed the quest on Panfu!

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Q: How do you do the my son is a pirate quest on panfu?
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On the tree's. It will glow if you put the mouse over it.

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click the inside

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You have to have completed or be in the process of completing the Magic Ice Diamond Quest.

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The word is WILLIAM

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the wedding on panfu on the magic ice diamond quest is at the pirate bar under the door through some rooms and your at the temple. you can only go here if you have got to this bit in the quest. hope i helped x

How many crabs on the island in the your son is a pirate mission on Panfu?

more than 4 thoughits about 14 or something

How do you get in the labyrinth in Panfu?

You have to be doing the Magic Ice Diamond quest or have finished it to be able to access the Secret Basement in Pirate Bar at the Old Harbor. Good luck! :)

How do you finish my son is a pirate?

Well go to Fred then go to the pirate them go to the pirates mum and then the quest is done ,If you don't believe me do it for your self.

Where are all the crabs on panfu?

On the pirate island