Using the kiss method, mice may backwards slide into a wall and moonwalk while in the wall. When doing this with chocolate walls, mice sometimes pretend that their rear is stuck in the wall and they can't run out.
Ducking methodMice may enter the standing slide position by interrupting the ducking animation midway through by way of touching the ground. Then by jumping, be moonwalking. The ducking method of achieving a moonwalk is quicker than the kiss method and transitions more neatly; however, it requires very precise timing.Alternatively, one can replace the first 2 steps by pressing UP and DOWN (Jump and Duck) at the same time. This eliminates having to time when to duck. Also, step 4 can be replaced by simply doing the Kiss emote (at least, that's the case in this alternative method). Still do not let go of that directional arrow though!
Add me as friend my username is Kittieshappy.
You type /moonwalk then walk around and you will be doing the moonwalk
Transformice happened in 2010.
But /moonwalk and walk
type /moonwalk.... by master1996
for moonwalk you say : "/moonwalk"
You type /moonwalk then walk around and you will be doing the moonwalk
By contacting transformice
Transformice happened in 2010.
But /moonwalk and walk
type /moonwalk.... by master1996
for moonwalk you say : "/moonwalk"
Transformice was created on 2010-05-01.
Well, the "moonwalk" is the perfected backslide. "Backslide" was before "moonwalk" but Michael Jackson perfected the "backslide" which later on became the "moonwalk."
There will be a game called Transforcats. I guess thats a opposite of Transformice. Signed by Tannermo P.S. Tannermo is my Transformice username.
No, Joe can not do the moonwalk or dance.
On the internet. But do not hack, it is not nice when you get banned on Transformice.