i have no clue
Look for things out of place in the rooms.
You don't complete it, that is the end of the game.
Mountain Dew has 46g of sugar. This is the highest that I know of. Pepsi has 41g of sugar.
Draw a straight short diagonal line from the comma the draw a big curved line so that the sugar falling on the short line will go on the curved line. Make sure that all the sugar is below both the cups so then when you have a lot of sugar you can press the button (Which is only on level 6) and the sugar will go up in the cup.
between 70 to150
how to lower sugar level
what is a norman sugar level
what is normal sugar level
what is a good sugar level
What is a normal sugar level?
is 140 sugar level high?
my sugar level is 233 is this bad
its cuz your get a spike in blood sugar and your body tries to level it out with insulin. Having a level blood sugar level prevents crashes.
What side effects would you have if you had 172 sugar level
Is a blood sugar level of 117 high?”
when do you consider your blood sugar level high?