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Step by Step Guide to Mission 7
  • Talk to Gary the Gadget Guy and click on any of the choices. He will explain the problem with the clocks.
  • Click the monitor that Gary is pointing to (the one of the Snow Forts). You will see the the Polar Bearand the Crab break the clock. Click the corner to exit the clock.
  • Talk to Gary again. Keep choosing the top option from the menu of things you can say. He wants you to find the parts to repair the clock.
  • Go to the Gadget Room. Take the Life Preserver off the shelf and put it in your inventory.
  • Use your map and go to the Dock. Talk to the penguins from the Blue team. Keep clicking the top chat options until they let you play to get back the target.
  • Here is how you play. Click and hold the mouse until the bar goes up to the red zone. Let goimmediately when the bar is at the red zone. Then aim with your mouse and shoot at the target. The target is moving so click just a little bit ahead of where the target is going. The farther back the penguin is the more you have to aim ahead of his target because he is moving faster and it takes longer for the snowball to travel.
  • Once you win, they will give you the target. Give them back Life Preserver you took from the Gadget room so they can continue practicing. This will get you your bonus prize at the end of the mission.
  • Go to the Secret Agent HQ. Talk to Gary and tell him you need to use the Electromagnet 3000. He says the combination is key. If you don't see an option about the Electromagnet 3000 when you talk to Gary don't worry about it and just skip to the next step.
  • Go to the Invention Cabinet, which is left of the entrance to the Gadget Room. There is a code if you put your cursor on the bottom right of the screen. Decode the word key to Secret Agent Code and input it into the lock.
  • The lock will open. Take out the Electromagnet 3000.
  • Now go to the iceberg using your map.
  • Go to the left until you see an spring in an ice cube floating in the water. Use the Magnetron to pull it out of the water. Put them both in your inventory.
  • Go to the HQ. Go to the Gadget Room. Place the ice cube on the Test Chamber. Pull the red lever. Now press the flame button to melt the ice around the spring. Now pull the lever again, then pick up the spring.
  • Go to the Town and talk to Rookie. Then, ask him for a poster of the Prime Gear. Put it in your inventory.
  • Go to the Ski Village and talk to the penguins there. They explain how the type of snow you use to build things matters. And the Snow Forts has the best snow of all.
  • Go to the Beach and talk to the yellow penguin on the chair. He say's he gave a yellow puffle a drawing of a chair and the puffle made the chair for him. Pick up the green bucket next to him that's on the ground.
  • Go to the Snow Forts and fill the green bucket up with snow.
  • Use your map and go to the Plaza. Go into the Pizza Parlor.
  • Take the sheet of music on the floor next to the piano.
  • Go into the Stage. Click on the piano at the stage and then put the sheet of music on the piano stand. Play the colored notes in the order it says on the music sheet (read from left to right). The yellow puffle will love it and come out of hiding!
  • Go back to the main part of the stage and the yellow puffle will follow you. Now give the puffle the picture of the gear. Then give it the bucket of snow. It'll construct a replica Gear. Place the Gear in your inventory.
  • Go back to the Gadget Room in the HQ.
  • Place the Gear on the Test Chamber. Pull the lever. Push the snowflake button. The pull the lever again. Take out the hardened Gear.
  • Go to the Snow Forts one more time. Now click on the Snow Forts Clock to get behind it. Place the Gear in the middle, the Spring on the upper left, and the Target on the outside (on top of the pole). Now exit the Clock.
  • The Construction worker will cheer. You will get a call on your spyphone from the Polar Bear! He says He underestimated you but destroying the Clock Tower was just a distraction for his Grand Master Plan. Uh-oh!
  • Talk to G and exit. Claim your medal and gift.
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Q: How do you do clock work repairs on club penguin?
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You follow the sheet music under the pizza parlor piano.

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you go to the snow forts and move your mouse till you get the pointer thing and click

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Get music sheet pizza shop then go to the piano by the stage and play the coulered notes......................BUT I TRIED THAT AND IT DIDN'T WORK

How do you play the sheet music on club penguin mussion clock work repair?

on the piano in the stage

How do you complete clock work repairs?

Clockwork is a mission in "Club Penguin' game. This mission has a total of 60 steps which include finding things in cabinet, talking to G, going to the gadget room, going to the beach, answer your spy phone and talk to G, etc.

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Its pretty hard, Although you can just download Penguin storm 11 and get the medal without doing anything. Well, that's what i did.

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If you know how to work this website you're to old for a club penguin.

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Who says that? Club Penguin is not inappropiate, it is monitored by the workers who work for Club Penguin. If you DO do something like that you will get banned.

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You cant if club penguin does not pop up when you go on the beta. That means you cant use it on club penguin all hack systems DO NOT work, but they USE TO work. But somehow Club Penguin saw this and shut the systems down so it will not work. So basically the beta will not work and you cant use and that is the answer.

How to finish clock work repairs on CP?

you go to the stage