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use the bomb disc

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Q: How do you do a right percussion attack in tron?
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How do you do a percussion attack in tron legacy video game?

jump towards the object and right before you get to it hit rt and b using the bomb disk

What is the right percussion disc to use to tear down weak wall in tron evolution?

Vault over the energy thing and hit it w/ the bomb disc (using r1+triangle) in mid air.

Why did Germany tron eastward to attack russia?

Because He Wanted Control of Eastern Europe But Russia was in the way because of European Russia

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Tron Maze-A-Tron - 1982 VG was released on: USA: 1982

What is tron?

Tron is a movie, set in a computer. In this movie, Tron is a program who "fights for the users."

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Where is tron ad on poptropica?

there's no tron

What year was Tron?

Tron was made in 1982.

What sport is it that they play in tron?

Wats Tron

Is Tron Legacy or Tangled better?

Tron. DEFINITELY. tangled is guud too, but i go for tron.