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Have you tried using the vertobrains

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Q: How do you determine Pokemon happiness in soul silver?
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What does walking with your Pokemon in soul silver do?

Make your Pokemon have happiness if talked to.

How do you raise happiness in soul silver?

Just work with your Pokemon alot and that should do it.

How do you check Pokémon's happiness in Pokemon soul silver?

You just make them walk beside you and then talk to them.

How do you see the Pokemon happiness soul silver?

okay you see a Pokemon's happiness by clicking the back button to your DS facing your Pokemon and then press a and it shall tell you what your Pokemon is doing and how it is feeling. Hope i helped

Where is the happines rat er in soul silver?

The happiness rater for Pokemon HG/SS is in Goldenrod City.

When does budew evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

It evolves through happiness. It doesn't have a specific level to evolve.

How do you get blues number in Pokemon soul silver?

You have to get his sister to massage five of your Pokemon and then show her a Pokemon with max happiness. Or you can use the Complete Phonebook AR code.

How do you catch Kyogre in Pokemon soul silver?

sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver

Do Pokemon gain happiness in the daycare in Pokemon soul silver?

I don't really know but they do level up.For example my ditto is on lv. 56 and when i left him there he was on lv.20

Should you get Pokemon Soul Silver?

Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT

In Pokemon Soul Silver how do you get espeeon?

if you talk to Bill in Goldenrod city he'll give you an eevee at lv. 5. It evolves into espeon by leveling it up when it has a high happiness. you can also get your pokemon's happiness checked at a house in goldenrod city.

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon soul silver?

According to there are 493 Pokemon in Soul Silver.