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I don't really know but they do level up.For example my ditto is on lv. 56 and when i left him there he was on lv.20

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Q: Do Pokemon gain happiness in the daycare in Pokemon soul silver?
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Do daycare Pokemon gain xp if you are on a bike?

Yes, Pokémon in the Daycare will still acquire Experience even if the steps you take are on a bike, they are still counted as steps.

How long does it take for a Pokemon to gain a level in daycare in emerald?

It depends what level the Pokemon is. If it is a lower level it will take about ten minutes It a higher level it could take up to an hour

When you leave your Pokemon in the day-care center how many steps do you have to take for it to level up?

To level up Pokemon in the daycare walk as many steps equal to the exp. points required to level up. I would not use the daycare to level up because your Pokemon gain the minimum stats and your moves could be deleted for a crappy move.

How do you get umbreon and Espeon fast in soulsilver?

Go to the pokemon center in Ecruteak City, Bill will come down stairs and talk to you. Then go to Goldenrod City to Bill's house and he will give you an Eevee. Get on your bike and ride around for 30 mins back and forth and fight some pokemon to gain a level, and if you ride around enough the happiness will grow and evolve. Better then fighting for hours trying to gain happiness.

How do you max out happiness in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver?

Either put it in the front of your party and battle thousands of trainers or wild Pokemon, OR An easier way is to get the Soothe Bell and just run back and forth until you gain your pokemons Happiness. Every step while holding soothe bell makes it happier. And in HG/SS just walking with you also raises happiness. But don't let it faint or put it in your Box because it will lose all happiness.

Related questions

What happens if you put a legendary Pokemon in to the daycare with a ditto in Pokemon soul silver?

They will simply gain Exp. You can't breed legendary pokemon.

Pokemon emerald gameshark codes level up Pokemon in the daycare?

There are probably some game-shark codes that do level your Pokemon up FASTER in the daycare. If your Pokemon is in the daycare it will gain EXP. with every step you take.

When can you gain access to Pokemon daycare in black 2?

You gain acces to the daycare after you get the Dream Mist for Fennel in Striaton City. You can do this once you get the first gym badge.

What is the soothe bell?

It is a pokemon-held item that makes the pokemon gain twice the happiness points.

Can you gain happiness if you switch eevee out in battle?

yes you can same with every Pokemon

Do daycare Pokemon gain xp if you are on a bike?

Yes, Pokémon in the Daycare will still acquire Experience even if the steps you take are on a bike, they are still counted as steps.

What determines the growth of Pokemon in the daycare?

How many steps you walk while the Pokemon are in the day care determines how many experience points they gain. For every step you walk, each Pokemon will gain 1 experience point, I think.

My aron is lv 22 but it still hasent evolved is it because I left it in the daycare in Pokemon emerald?

yes if your Pokemon was in the daycare it wont evolve, just one more level will do the trick but you have to gain the level or use a rare candyHope it helps

How do you get an Eevee to evolve into an Espeon in Pokemon SoulSliver?

You evolve an Eevee into and Espeon by raising it to max happiness. Pokemon gain happiness when you give them massages (in Goldenrod underground and Blue's sister.) It will take a while to reach max happiness. Then you level it up in the day. It will evolve into Espeon.

How long does it take for a Pokemon to gain a level in daycare in emerald?

It depends what level the Pokemon is. If it is a lower level it will take about ten minutes It a higher level it could take up to an hour

How do you gain levels fast in platinum?

Well, I don't have it but if it's in Platinum, send your Pokemon to the daycare. Sadly, you need to pay but I think it's not a problem!

Where do you get Zapdos on Pokemon Silver?

You cannot find one on Silver, the only way to gain one is to Trade with somebody for all the legendaries in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow.