Get the paper clip from under the couch in G's office , and then unscwew the power box and stick the paper clip inside.
you don't turn it off
Next to the Gadget room and the lock code is key.
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
the circits on the magnet? If so, the paper clip.
The code to the electromagnet is BYG.
In your igloo
You have to go to this website called and win a game, then you get the magnet which you can bring back to club penguin if you open up another tab.
in the hq
you get a magnet
you cant really destroy club penguin but you could just get banned of saying a bad word then you would be destroying club penguin a bit
its on the spy phone and its the wrench
You can't destroy club penguin but you can pretend to destroy your igloo. You have to have the flares from July 2011 then put them in your igloo and press the up arrow key. Every now and then you will see a explosion! Destroy your igloo!