Here Is How.... Hold Control And Click On The Stairs While Holding Control And Then In The Bottom Right Corner There Will Be An Option To Delete The Stairs! Hope U Enjoy! Thanks :)
use the sledgehammer tool and click the stairs
ok some stairs can be deleted but some can't i tryed using this cheat on the ones that can...Move_objects on
You can get stairs in the sims 2 for the PC! :]
Well first you make a basement and then you put stairs in it where ever there is a space for example if you where trying to put stairs in your house to the basement you would have to have a huge amount of space and delete 6 squares of floor and but 2 stairs then in the basement you put the stairs where 6th squares are then you have basement stairs.
Go to - My Documents -Ea Games -The Sims 2 Delete the entire The Sims 2 folder. Then go to your game. The game will automatically create a new The Sims 2 folder. If you have custom content installed and don't want to delete it, before you delete The Sims 2 folder, move the Downloads folder to Desktop, delete The Sims 2 folder, go into your game, then exit out of it and move the Downloads folder back into The Sims 2 folder.
use the sledgehammer tool and click the stairs
You can't get stairs for the sims 2 ps2, you can only have stairs in the sims 2 PC
ok some stairs can be deleted but some can't i tryed using this cheat on the ones that can...Move_objects on
You can get stairs in the sims 2 for the PC! :]
No there aren't any stairs for any of the sims console versions.=You can only use stairs in the PC versions of the sims.==That's just how it works I guess=
what is the cheat for the stairs
Well first you make a basement and then you put stairs in it where ever there is a space for example if you where trying to put stairs in your house to the basement you would have to have a huge amount of space and delete 6 squares of floor and but 2 stairs then in the basement you put the stairs where 6th squares are then you have basement stairs.
I am asking you is there??? and no there isn't you have to have it for PC
to delete the pix in sims 2 you have to press the delete or press the trash bin in the conner
Go to - My Documents -Ea Games -The Sims 2 Delete the entire The Sims 2 folder. Then go to your game. The game will automatically create a new The Sims 2 folder. If you have custom content installed and don't want to delete it, before you delete The Sims 2 folder, move the Downloads folder to Desktop, delete The Sims 2 folder, go into your game, then exit out of it and move the Downloads folder back into The Sims 2 folder.
only on PC can you have stairs