To delete your file press B, Up, Select at the title screen. Starting a new game will not work as it will not let you save over your previous file.
Press B, Up, and Select at the title screen.
Up, Select, B at the main menu the same goes for Soul Silver.
Press B, Up, and Select at the title screen.
Go to the title screen and press up+select+B.Press yes both times and done!
94000130 000000000000
Press B, Up, and Select at the title screen.
Press B, Up, and Select at the title screen.
Up, Select, B at the main menu the same goes for Soul Silver.
Press B, Up, and Select at the title screen.
no way if you already have a file but if the game has no files or you delete your file you should be able to make a new file. this will work on almost all of the other Pokemon games
there is no cheat, i know even though i have heartgold once you delete a file you cant get ano ther back.
Go to the title screen and press up+select+B.Press yes both times and done!
If you want or if you have to,then you should delete it.Otherwise don't delete it
yes,you can
NO sorry
94000130 000000000000
well my beloved friend it does fuging