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Press New Game on the start screen. Hope I helped.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Press and hold all buttons( except power )but press them on the title screen it may take several times to do this

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Q: How do you delete a save game in Pokemon white?
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you do new game then save over the other game

How do start a new game in Pokemon black and white?

To delete a saved game to start a new game on the title screen hold up+select+B and it will ask if you want to delete the save file.

How do you start your Pokemon ranch game over?

You would need to transfer all your Pokemon back to your DS game, and delete the save data in the Wii Options menu (Wii Options -> Data Management -> Saves -> Wii -> My Pokemon Ranch -> Delete). However, if you delete your game save, you will lose any Pokemon left on your My Pokemon Ranch game.

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It can't be not duplicate your Pokemon your game boy save will be delete

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To delete a save file and start a new game you have to hold up, select and then B and you will be given the option to delete your previous save file.

How do you you delete a pokemon game on the computer?

Simply get rid of the ROM and Save File.

How do you delete save file in Pokemon heartgold?

Click new game at the menu

How do you delete a save on Pokemon Yellow?

You cannot delete it, you just select 'New Game' from the start menu and overwrite the previous save by saving again.

How do you delete your account on Pokemon diamond?

Uh, start a new game and save at the beginning.

How do you delete your file on Pokemon LeafGreen?

just start a new game. there will be a warning, just ignore it and it will delete the file as soon as you save in the new game.

Does an event Pokemon disappear if you delete the save or is it in the bank when you start over?

An event Pokémon will disappear if you start the game over and delete the save file.

How do you delete your saved game on Pokemon diamond?

all you have to do is start a new game and save on your new game file what is a new game file?