You click your friends list, click on the person you want to delete, press friend, and it will tell you what to do.
Yes, You can delete toontasks in toontown since the update happened in November 10, 2010. But you can only delete Just For Fun toontasks. You must do the tasks that give important rewards you need. Hope this helps :)
Go to the phone thing in the corner and click on the friend and press delete
no because that game is free so if you install it its free forever you see toontown gives you viruses because its like only free for like a week and after that week your computer goes crazy so after you're done playing toontown delete it
There are toontown cheats look on youtube :) "toontown cheats"
yes there is alot of cheat in toontown
Friends on toontown and on the website.
alt f4 then spacebar then delete
Yes, You can delete toontasks in toontown since the update happened in November 10, 2010. But you can only delete Just For Fun toontasks. You must do the tasks that give important rewards you need. Hope this helps :)
SF stands for Secret Friend. Secret Friend was renamed was renamed True Friend by toontown. when people say "Wanna sf?" on toontown, they mean become True Friends/Secret Friends.
I found I had to delete all my tempory internet files to fix several install and launch errors.
Dee Dee if you see her say i like your look and i will be your friend and help you beat toontown because i already beat toontown it is easy peesy lemon squezzie
Disney's Toontown was created in year 2004. This is something my friend told me. So I am not absolutely sure.
A normal friend would just be someone you met on toontown, a true friend is someone you know and real life. If you want to make someone your true friend than you must get a true friend code than give to the person you know and they must type it into the game within 2 days of when you received the code, then the 2 of you will be true friends and the ToonTown Dictionary will be unlimited to you meaning you can say anything but only true friends will see the words the Toontown dicitonary doesn't know.
of course it is! but my friend tyler says roblox is the best.
i delete a friend on myyearbook and i cac't get no friend at all?
Try this delete Toontown Injector and then run it again. Before u open the trainer open Toontown let it load when u see ur toon click on it when u get to the district and it stopped loading open Toontown injector. Then it should work.
Well, find the friend you want to delete. Then to the write you will see a trash can icon. Click on it. A box will appear saying Do you really want to delete this friend? Click yes if you want to delete that friend. Wait for Poptropica to delete him/her.And thats how you delete a Poptropica friend.