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Yes, You can delete toontasks in toontown since the update happened in November 10, 2010. But you can only delete Just For Fun toontasks. You must do the tasks that give important rewards you need. Hope this helps :)

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Q: Can you delete a toontask on toontown?
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How do you get a taller toon in toontown?

By doing a toontask that offers that reward.

How do you delete a toontask?

Well you can only delete a "just for fun" toontask whereas in real toontasks you can't delete it Hope this has helped you :)

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You have to finish a Just for fun! ToonTask that has a reward of a Clothing Ticket.

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In order to become small in toontown, you have to complete a toontask that says Reward: small toon. The same thing goes with big toon.

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its easy just pick it if you get stuck just pick any toontask

What does tt mean?

Time Trial is one instance where 'TT' is used as an abbrevation.It also means ToonTown lol or ToonTask lolIn science it means recessive

How do you cancel a toontask?

it depends on the toontask

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just go to the berg and go in polar place and look for a building called hibernation vacations and say howdy then you'r white

What Is The ToonTown Spoofer Key?

alt f4 then spacebar then delete

Where are pencil pushers on toontown?

Okay I play toontown and i had to fight 4 Pencil Pushers. The best place in toontown central is punchline place i found tons of them there. Hope this helps!!

How do you delete a friend on toontown?

You click your friends list, click on the person you want to delete, press friend, and it will tell you what to do.

How do you get a gag track in toontown?

You do toontasks which allow you to start training for the gag track. After you complete that toontask, you have to complete 16 other toontasks which can be easy or hard. After that you get the track but have to train to go up gag levels.