On the opening screen (Where you see the Dialga/Palkia or giratina, hold at the same time
(B+UP+R), After that a blue screen shall appear, Confirming that you want to delete your save file.
You can't delete a game, as they are on the game cards. If you mean the data, you should be able to delete it in the options menu of that specific game.
The only time any GBA or DS game ever does that is if the cartridge (game pack) itself is damaged.
At the screen were it shows a picture of Pokemon with all of the options, there should be an option were it says "delete saved data". Press it , and it will ask if you're sure. Click YES! Voila!
All main Pokemon DS Games:Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black and White (coming out next year)Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DS Games:Pokemon Blue Rescue Team, Pokemon Explorers of Time and Darkness, Pokemon Explorers of SkyPokemon RangerPokemon Ranger, Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs.Those are all the DS games for Pokemon. Pokemon is a big hit for the DS and all Pokemon games are now only for Nintendo DS and Wii, which is quite unfair.
it does on game boy games but then u get them on ds
You don't delete. You can switch, though. Easily insert the pokewalker into the DS and change the settings.
you just start a new game -_-
Make a new one
No, I don't think you can. I might be wrong, but I think you have to change your Pokemon's moves on the DS then copy the Pokemon to the Wii..
You would need to transfer all your Pokemon back to your DS game, and delete the save data in the Wii Options menu (Wii Options -> Data Management -> Saves -> Wii -> My Pokemon Ranch -> Delete). However, if you delete your game save, you will lose any Pokemon left on your My Pokemon Ranch game.
Im not sure about game boys But on a ds you hold down, B butten and select on the title screen
go to main menu select delete and delete it
On the title screen Hold up on the D pad, then hold B and Select. This brings up an option to delete save game. YOU CAN NOT GET YOUR GAME BACK
press up select and b at the same time or it L select and b
they mean press up on the control pad
You can't delete a game, as they are on the game cards. If you mean the data, you should be able to delete it in the options menu of that specific game.