A complete walkthrough is available at http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/939578/51249. Press Ctrl-F and look for 5II. Jedi Destiny and you should find it in no time!
no she is not on Lego Star Wars the complete saga
Lego Creator is the best, but it's really old, so don't bother with it. Lego Star Wars is the coolest. Lego Batman is the most addicting Lego Indiana Jones is AMAZING. Lego Harry Potter is the best.
The poppa first Lego game was on PC/computer called Lego Rock railders then Lego Loco came out for PC and other Lego games came out. However the first Major Lego game was Lego star wars the video game which was avaulublel on other consoles.
The gold bricks allow you to build special objects outside of the games themselves (aka in the level-select environment you're running around in). There are 160 bricks in total to collect.
get 1 million studs
EMP666 is the code for the emperor
Get invincibility
Yes you can get Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga for pc.
no she is not on Lego Star Wars the complete saga
Unlike in the first LEGO Star Wars game, Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious is able to use Force lightning along with wielding a lightsaber.
You get 100% and defeat the last level 10 times and then you got it.(you have to do it on both profiles.)
It seems that all Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga only combines the two into one game.
Go on and complete the level its easy.
Lego starwars 3 is better and new
how do you get the canisters in through the jundlin wastes in Lego star wars the complete saga
Lego City does not exist in any Lego Star Wars games.