

Best Answer

Keep farting with wario and don't stop and you'll get him off

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Q: How do you defeat the chain chomp with the wario waft?
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What is the finest sandpaper?

Grit 3000, usually marked as P3000. Make sure to use water as lubricant (wet sanding), as it not only helps with quality of sanding but prevents microscopic metal particles being ihnaled as they waft through the air. It could lead to perspiratory complications and, depending on material being sanded, potentially serious health hazzard.

Four-letter word with 'F' as the third letter?

waft, soft, gift, miff, tuff, diff, biff, rife, guff, weft, tofu, toft, wife, sofa, lift, safe, oafs, lifo, rift, riff, left, gaff, heft, taft, tuft, niff, hifi, cuff, raft, info, caff, offs, ruff, life, tiff, doff, huff, deft, defy, duff, sift, buff, toff, loft, cafe, haft, naff, iffy, fife, luff, faff, nife, jiff, muff, puff, defo, fifi, tufa, daft, refs, fifo

Scrabble word ending in t?

4-letter wordsabet, abut, adit, airt, alit, aunt, baht, bait, bast, beat, beet, belt, bent, best, bhut, bint, blat, blet, blot, boat, bolt, boot, bort, bout, brat, brit, brut, bunt, bust, cant, cart, cast, celt, cent, chat, chit, cist, clot, coat, coft, colt, coot, cost, cult, curt, cyst, daft, dart, daut, dawt, debt, deet, deft, dent, diet, dint, dipt, dirt, doat, doit, dolt, dost, drat, duct, duet, duit, dunt, dust, east, edit, emit, erst, exit, fact, fast, feat, feet, felt, fiat, fist, fixt, flat, flit, font, foot, fort, frat, fret, frit, gait, gast, gelt, gent, gest, ghat, gift, gilt, girt, gist, glut, gnat, goat, gout, grat, grit, grot, gust, haet, haft, halt, hant, hart, hast, haut, heat, heft, hent, hest, hilt, hint, hist, holt, hoot, host, hunt, hurt, jest, jilt, jolt, just, kart, keet, kent, kept, khat, khet, kilt, kist, knit, knot, kyat, last, leet, left, lent, lept, lest, lift, lilt, lint, list, loft, loot, lost, lout, lunt, lust, malt, mart, mast, maut, meat, meet, melt, milt, mint, mist, mixt, moat, molt, moot, mort, most, must, neat, nest, newt, next, nowt, oast, obit, omit, oust, pact, pant, part, past, peat, pelt, pent, pert, pest, pfft, phat, phot, phut, pint, plat, plot, poet, port, post, pout, prat, psst, punt, quit, raft, rant, rapt, reft, rent, rest, rift, riot, root, rout, runt, rust, ryot, salt, scat, scot, scut, seat, sect, sent, sept, sext, shot, shut, sift, silt, skat, skit, slat, slit, slot, slut, smit, smut, snit, snot, soft, soot, sort, spat, spit, spot, suet, suit, swat, swot, unit, vast, vent, vert, vest, vext, volt, waft, wait, want, wart, wast, weet, weft, welt, went, wept, wert, west, what, whet, whit, wilt, wist, wont, wort, wost, writ, xyst, yurt, zest

What is a four letter word second letter A?

baas babe baby back bade baht bail bait bake bald bale balk ball balm band bane bang bank barb bard bare barf bark barn base bash bask bass bast bate bath baud bawd bawl cafe cage cake calf call calm came camp cane cant cape card care carp cart case cash cask cast cave dace dado daft dago dais dale dame damn damp dang dank dare dark darn dart dash data date daub dawn daze each earl earn ease east easy eave face fact fade fail fain fair fake fall fame fang fare farm faro fart fast fate faun faux fawn fays faze gaff gaga gage gain gait gala gale gall game gamy gang gaol gape garb gars gash gasp gate gave gawk gaze hack haft hail hair hajj hake hale half hall halo halt hand hang hank hard hare hark harm harp hart hash hasp hast hate hath hats haul have hawk haze hazy iamb jack jade jail jamb jams jape jato java jazz kale kart kayo lace lack lacy lade lady laid lain lair lake lama lamb lame lamp land lane lank lard lark lash lass last late lath laud lava lave lawn laws laze lazy mace mach mack macs made magi mags maid mail maim main make male mall malt mama mane many mare mark marl mart mash mask mass mast mate math maul maxi mayo maze naif nail name nape naps narc nary nave navy oath pace pack pact page paid pail pain pair pale pall palm pane pang pant papa para pare park part pass past pate path pave pawl pawn race rack racy raft raga rage raid rail rain rake ramp rand rang rank rant rape rapt rare rash rasp rate rave raze razz sack safe saga sage sago said sail sake sale salt same sand sane sang sank sans sari sash sass sate save tack taco tact tail take talc tale talk tall tame tamp tang tank tape tare tarn taro tarp tart task taut taxi vain vale vamp vane vary vase vast wade wadi waft wage waif wail wain wait wake wale walk wall wand wane want ward ware warm warn warp wars wart wary wash wasp wast watt wave wavy waxy yang yank yard yarn yawl yawn zany

What are four letter words beginning from A to Z?

* Ants * Ails * Aids * Arts * Alps * Asps * Auks * Adds * Aide * Adze * Ante * Ante * Able * Acre * Acne * Acme * Ache * Arty * Away * Aqua * Also * Alms * Arum * Ajar * Agar * Ankh * Arch * Aunt * Alto * Avow * Avid * Amid * Arid * Acid * Alum * Abut * Axel * Axle * Ashy * Achy * Aery * Ahoy * Ally * Aloe * Abed * Agog * Ammo * Amok * Ahem * Atom * Atop * Aver * Awry * Blob * Bulb * Bolt * Blot * Bloc * Both * Bath * Bung * Bang * Bing * Bong * Bate * Bait * Beat * Beta * Bite * Best * Bush * Bash * Boon * Boom * Book * Boot * Bide * Bade * Bead * Buzz * Band * Bend * Bind * Bond * Bard * Brad * Brie * Body * Boss * Bass * Busy * Bile * Boil * Back * Buck * Bask * Balk * Bilk * Bulk * Bust * Bank * Bunk * Brew * Blew * Blue * Colt * Clot * Clue * Clew * Crew * Crow * Craw * Club * Cant * Crud * Curd * Card * Cord * Cart * Crab * Cave * Cane * Came * Cram * Clog * Clod * Cold * Clad * Call * Cell * Cuss * Curb * Clam * Calm * Cusp * Cast * Cape * Coil * Coin * Cone * Cola * Coal * Claw * Cute * Chap * Chip * Chop * Cite * City * Coif * Cyan * Dean * Dead * Darn * Dram * Drum * Dorm * Dole * Dore * Duel * Deal * Dale * Dial * Dang * Ding * Dong * Dung * Dart * Dirt * Dare * Dear * Deer * Deed * Dell * Doll * Dill * Dull * Dine * Dire * Deli * Drab * Drag * Drew * Draw * Doer * Deaf * Defy * Dodo * Deck * Dock * Duck * Duke * Dork * Dawn * Down * Dune * Dame * Dime * Dome * Doom * Door * Dust * Desk * Disk * Disc * Demo * Ease * Easy * Erne * Earn * Eave * Ever * Evil * Emir * Emit * Etch * Echo * Each * Exam * Earl * East * Erst * Epic * Ewer * Ewes * Fine * Fief * Fife * Fire * Free * Fair * Fare * Fear * Farm * Firm * Form * From * Fore * Feel * Flee * Flea * Fume * Fuse * Fizz * Fuzz * Flex * Flax * Flux * Film * Foam * Foal * Floe * Flow * Flaw * Flew * Flue * Fuel * Faze * Flap * Flip * Flop * Foil * Foci * Fail * Flag * Flog * Fade * Fake * Glue * Gang * Grim * Gram * Gold * Golf * Grad * Grid * Gird * Gore * Goer * Gown * Gone * Goal * Gape * Gasp * Gate * Grow * Grew * Goop * Goon * Goof * Gave * Give * Glow * Gaze * Germ * Gaff * Gray * Grey * Ghat * Glum * Gunk * Gulp * Gull * Gall * Gill * Game * Hope * Helm * Hire * High * Hall * Hill * Hull * Hole * Hail * Hale * Heal * Heel * Heck * Hack * Hick * Hock * Hank * Hunk * Honk * Huge * Hang * Hung * Hold * Hype * Hurt * Hart * Hour * Home * Hemp * Hump * Hide * Hied * Hath * Hate * Heat * Have * Hove * Heme * Haji * Hero * Help * Itch * Idly * Idyl * Idol * Idle * Idea * Icky * Imps * Ilks * Irks * Iota * Icon * Ibex * Ibis * Iris * Iamb * Iced * Ices * Idem * Item * Into * Ions * Jamb * Jams * Jump * Jars * Jury * Jilt * Jolt * Jinx * Junk * Jail * Jade * Judo * Jerk * Jute * Just * Jazz * Joke * Jack * Jock * Java * Kite * Kits * Kiss * Kind * Kine * Keno * Keen * Knee * Keys * Keep * Kept * Kepi * Kink * Khan * Kill * Knit * Kilt * Kiln * King * Kick * Know * Knew * Keel * Kelp * Love * Loaf * Leaf * Lief * Life * Loan * Lone * Live * Leek * Leak * Lake * Lane * Lain * Lyre * Liar * Lire * Lira * Lair * Lore * Lung * Lang * Ling * Long * Left * Lift * Loft * Logo * Leap * Lope * Loop * Loom * Loon * Lade * Laid * Lead * Lady * Lorn * Last * Lath * Lamp * Limp * Lump * Lamb * Limb * Limo * Lime * Lilt * Lily * Laze * Lazy * Lack * Lick * Lock * Luck * Lube * Lobe * Loci * List * Lard * Lord * Loud * Lout * Lour * Lull * Levy * Moon * Mood * Monk * Mold * Mode * Move * More * Mote * Moat * Mate * Meat * Mite * Mute * Mast * Mist * Must * Miss * Mass * Mess * Muss * Mask * Musk * Magi * Maze * Maid * Made * Mead * Mope * Much * Mack * Mick * Mock * Muck * Mail * Male * Mole * Mule * Math * Moth * Milk * Malt * Melt * Milt * Molt * Moue * Muse * Many * Mash * Mesh * Mosh * Mush * Myth * Nice * Name * Numb * Nail * Newt * Neck * Nick * Nigh * Noes * Nose * Noel * Node * Need * Nerd * None * Neon * Null * Nope * News * Near * Neat * Note * Navy * Nave * Nova * Oven * Over * Oval * Omit * Ogre * Omen * Okra * Orca * Only * Once * Orzo * Ouzo * Oust * Outs * Owed * Owes * Ogle * Open * Obey * Odds * Onto * Oxen * Oboe * Oleo * Pine * Pain * Pane * Pone * Peon * Puny * Puce * Pier * Poor * Pour * Pore * Pair * Pear * Pare * Peer * Peak * Peek * Pace * Past * Pass * Pout * Pole * Pool * Polo * Paid * Pall * Pill * Poll * Pull * Poke * Puke * Pike * Play * Ploy * Plod * Pack * Peck * Pick * Pock * Puck * Punk * Pump * Prim * Pram * Prom * Plug * Push * Path * Pith * Pity * Pave * Prof * Part * Port * Pert * Punt * Pant * Pint * Pita * Pica * Quay * Quiz * Rain * Rein * Rani * Rang * Ring * Rung * Raid * Read * Reed * Rise * Rose * Raze * Rude * Ruse * Rich * Rack * Rick * Rock * Risk * Rill * Roll * Reel * Real * Ramp * Rump * Robe * Ruby * Rate * Rite * Rote * Rest * Rust * Rank * Rink * Road * Rode * Ride * Rave * Rive * Rove * Roue * Sang * Sing * Song * Sung * Soar * Sore * Seem * Seam * Same * Stop * Step * Spit * Spat * Spot * Spud * Sage * Saga * Sell * Soul * Sole * Sail * Sale * Seal * Seat * Sate * Stew * Stow * Such * Show * Shoe * Shoo * Shot * Slot * Smog * Snot * Seed * Seen * Seek * Seep * Size * Slam * Slim * Slum * Slag * Slug * Sham * Shop * Skit * Skip * Skim * Safe * Save * Sack * Sick * Sock * Tame * Time * Tome * Tune * Tone * Tine * Tomb * Took * Tool * Tore * Tear * Tare * Tire * True * Team * Teem * Tent * Tint * Tide * Taco * This * That * Thin * Then * Thou * Thud * Tidy * Turn * Tern * Tarn * Task * Tusk * Talk * Toke * Tree * Urge * Undo * Unto * Upon * Ugly * Uvea * Urea * User * Used * Uses * Urns * Umps * Vine * Vein * Vain * Vane * Vile * Veil * Vail * Vale * Vise * Vice * View * Vase * Volt * Vote * Veto * Vole * Veal * Veer * Veep * Very * Vina * Vita * Vest * Vast * Void * Viol * Wise * Wear * Ware * Weir * Wire * West * With * Whit * Wist * Wish * Wash * Walk * Wale * Wail * Weal * Wall * Well * Will * Wile * Wine * Wive * Wait * Watt * Weep * Wept * Waft * Wolf * Woof * Wood * Wool * Wold * Weld * Wild * Xeme (An Arctic fork-tailed gull) * Xeno (foreign, strange, different) * Xero (dry, dryness) * Xmas (abbreviation for Christmas) * XOXO (means hugs and kisses) * X-Ray * Xylo (wood; xylene) * Your * Year * Yank * Yaws * Yaps * Yeah * Yips * Yeps * Yups * Yoke * Yolk * Yore * Yeti * Yelp * Yuck * Zone * Zein * Zany * Zoom * Zoon * Zest * Zips * Zaps * Zeal * Zero

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How do you defeat the chain chomp in adventure mode on Mario and Sonic at the olympic winter games?

stomp on the wooden piller and he'll bounce around and hit the cage with the star in it.

In brawl how do I use wario's nuclear fart from the commercial?

You can't, the was just for show. The closest you can get is wait until Wario flashes,then unleash the Wario Waft.

What is an example of a small breath of perfume?


Can you use the word waft in a sentence?

The smell began to waft into the room.He used the magazine to waft the stench away from him.A waft of cold air suddenly invaded the building.

How can you use waft in a sentence?

Get me a fan, I need to waft some cool air on myself.A waft of air came from the kitchen and breakfast smelt delicious.The flag would waft softly in the breeze.

What is the definition of waft?

To waft means to carry lightly and smoothly thru the air.

How do you use the word waft in a sentence?

The slaves continued to waft far away from their masters

How do you use waft in a sentence?

The waft of cold win felt good on a hot summer day.

What is sentence for the word waft?

The fragrance of the kabab wafted through the streets of India. This is an example sentence of the word waft.

How do you pronounce waft?

say it wahft

Choose the followings to answer the question by filling thee empty spacce-The gale dismantledthe boat and .to the shore-waft-wabble-waggle-wade?


Why should you waft?

You should waft so that the fumes don't go directly through your nose. You could have some of the dangerous side effects.