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4-letter words

abet, abut, adit, airt, alit, aunt, baht, bait, bast, beat, beet, belt, bent, best, bhut, bint, blat, blet, blot, boat, bolt, boot, bort, bout, brat, brit, brut, bunt, bust, cant, cart, cast, celt, cent, chat, chit, cist, clot, coat, coft, colt, coot, cost, cult, curt, cyst, daft, dart, daut, dawt, debt, deet, deft, dent, diet, dint, dipt, dirt, doat, doit, dolt, dost, drat, duct, duet, duit, dunt, dust, east, edit, emit, erst, exit, fact, fast, feat, feet, felt, Fiat, fist, fixt, flat, flit, font, foot, fort, frat, fret, frit, gait, gast, gelt, gent, gest, ghat, gift, gilt, girt, gist, glut, gnat, goat, gout, grat, grit, grot, gust, haet, haft, halt, hant, hart, hast, haut, heat, heft, hent, hest, hilt, hint, hist, holt, hoot, host, hunt, hurt, jest, jilt, jolt, just, kart, keet, kent, kept, khat, khet, kilt, kist, knit, knot, kyat, last, leet, left, lent, lept, lest, lift, lilt, lint, list, loft, loot, lost, lout, lunt, lust, malt, mart, mast, maut, meat, meet, melt, milt, mint, mist, mixt, moat, molt, moot, mort, most, must, neat, nest, newt, next, nowt, oast, obit, omit, oust, pact, pant, part, past, peat, pelt, pent, pert, pest, pfft, phat, phot, phut, pint, plat, plot, poet, port, post, pout, prat, psst, punt, quit, raft, rant, rapt, reft, rent, rest, rift, riot, root, rout, runt, rust, ryot, salt, scat, scot, scut, seat, sect, sent, sept, sext, shot, shut, sift, silt, skat, skit, slat, slit, slot, slut, smit, smut, snit, snot, soft, soot, sort, spat, spit, spot, suet, suit, swat, swot, unit, vast, vent, vert, vest, vext, volt, waft, wait, want, wart, wast, weet, weft, welt, went, wept, wert, west, what, whet, whit, wilt, wist, wont, wort, wost, writ, xyst, yurt, zest

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Q: Scrabble word ending in t
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