4-letter words
abet, abut, adit, airt, alit, aunt, baht, bait, bast, beat, beet, belt, bent, best, bhut, bint, blat, blet, blot, boat, bolt, boot, bort, bout, brat, brit, brut, bunt, bust, cant, cart, cast, celt, cent, chat, chit, cist, clot, coat, coft, colt, coot, cost, cult, curt, cyst, daft, dart, daut, dawt, debt, deet, deft, dent, diet, dint, dipt, dirt, doat, doit, dolt, dost, drat, duct, duet, duit, dunt, dust, east, edit, emit, erst, exit, fact, fast, feat, feet, felt, Fiat, fist, fixt, flat, flit, font, foot, fort, frat, fret, frit, gait, gast, gelt, gent, gest, ghat, gift, gilt, girt, gist, glut, gnat, goat, gout, grat, grit, grot, gust, haet, haft, halt, hant, hart, hast, haut, heat, heft, hent, hest, hilt, hint, hist, holt, hoot, host, hunt, hurt, jest, jilt, jolt, just, kart, keet, kent, kept, khat, khet, kilt, kist, knit, knot, kyat, last, leet, left, lent, lept, lest, lift, lilt, lint, list, loft, loot, lost, lout, lunt, lust, malt, mart, mast, maut, meat, meet, melt, milt, mint, mist, mixt, moat, molt, moot, mort, most, must, neat, nest, newt, next, nowt, oast, obit, omit, oust, pact, pant, part, past, peat, pelt, pent, pert, pest, pfft, phat, phot, phut, pint, plat, plot, poet, port, post, pout, prat, psst, punt, quit, raft, rant, rapt, reft, rent, rest, rift, riot, root, rout, runt, rust, ryot, salt, scat, scot, scut, seat, sect, sent, sept, sext, shot, shut, sift, silt, skat, skit, slat, slit, slot, slut, smit, smut, snit, snot, soft, soot, sort, spat, spit, spot, suet, suit, swat, swot, unit, vast, vent, vert, vest, vext, volt, waft, wait, want, wart, wast, weet, weft, welt, went, wept, wert, west, what, whet, whit, wilt, wist, wont, wort, wost, writ, xyst, yurt, zest
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There are many 4 letter words ending with T. Here is a list of some of them.beatclotdueteditexitflatgritheatlintmintneatplotquitriotseattintunitventwent
The word is teapot. It begins and ends with the letter T and contains tea.
Four letter word beginning with Z and ending with T:Zest