its easy make 2 arow heads then click change direwction... do this 2 times x
i have no clue
Thats a hard question well first of all go on youtube and type in how to do level 10 on sugar sugar that sholud help you.... you can thank me later
Try every light.
try your best
play as either baragon or anguris on invasion level and defeat king ghidorah and then play the level mecha king ghidorah and defeat him and unlock for the store.
There is a video on how to beat that level. See the related links.
between 70 to150
My Pokemon to defeat Iris were Level 45.
how to lower sugar level
what is a norman sugar level
what is normal sugar level
what is a good sugar level
What is a normal sugar level?
is 140 sugar level high?
my sugar level is 233 is this bad
heck yeah!it can defeat it with surf cos it happened to me !!!!!!!!!
i defeated rampardos when my styler was at level 12 but you can still defeat it if you have Pokemon with ground/grass/fighting/water poke assists