Chat with our AI personalities
By pressing the left, right, up and down button while looking ata a direction it depends on where your lokking at it is like walking in land in minecraft exccept you cant crash on the blocks.
"Cad é an t-ainm atá ort?" is Irish Gaelic for "What is your name?". Literally, "What is it, the name that is on you?" Cad = what é = (is) it an = the ainm = name atá = that is ort = on you (one person)
In order to turn a dragonache into an adult on viva pi–ata you will have to make sure you do a few things every day. Like making sure the dragonache has a bottle of milk, a snapdragon flower, a dragonfly and a Redhott or a Salamango.
straight line to each dot go to the three go down and do those tree aTA DA you got your answer hope this was helpful
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