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Call the Garden Club, and then select "Buy Plantophic-C." If that doesn't come up, call the Gypsy Matchmaker and buy it from her.

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Q: How do you cure plant people in the sims 2?
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If you mean like, on boolprop it means cure vampire. But, you have to be a vampire to cure one.

How do your Sims become plant people in The Sims 2?

You must have The Sims 2 Seasons installed along with your original The Sims 2 game in order for this to work. Your Sims will become plant people if you own a garden and they get the "green thumb" meaning they spend a LOT of time gardening and are very good at it. Then you have to buy a potion from the gardening club to turn back into a normal Sim. You have to have a garden and use a lot of bug spray on it. Just keep using the pesticides on your garden or fruit trees and eventually your sim will become a plant sim

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Zombies are pernament... yes I know it sucks

In sims 2 how do you cure a vampirism?

Give him chocolate, chocolate cake, or flirt. or you can call the matchmaking service and get the potion to cure it.

Can the plant people on The Sims 2 PC have human babies?

No. They have to be cured of plantism first to be able to have a human baby.

What sims do you need for a garden?

The sims 2 expansion pack Seasons is needed to plant a garden

How do you cure plantism on Sims 2?

Go to the phone and click on call -> services -> matchmaker When the gypsy shows up click on her and then click on buy potions. And the potions you want to buy is the one that starts with plant in it.

How do you turn your sims into plants on sims 2?

Make a garden.You must garden until you max out your garden skill.When you reach level 10 garden skill your sim will turn into a plant sim.If you want to cure it, have someone call the garden club.When the garden club member arrives, have the plant sim greet her.Click on her and click buy potion, and it'll say Plantitonic C or something that sounds like plant. xDIt will appear in the plant sim's inventory.go to the plant sim's inventory.Click on the potion.Click drink.Your sim will drink it.Boom! no more plant sim!Plant sims can interact, and even have plant babies! but i do not know about that.Happy simming!!~RachelP.S. You must have The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack for this to happen.

How do you turn Annie howell into the beast on sims 2?

to turn Annie to beast you need cure

Is Sims 2 for the PSP good?

yes the sims 2 is an awsome game but about 95% of people like the sims 1 and about 5% of people only like the sims 2........ like me im part of the 95% people