Depends on what private server you r using. Best one is Flyf for Fame (FFF) Rates: 25x exp 10x drops 100x penya
Note: not the best rates but definatly more stable and keeps items rare. Also, big community ^^
how do i make an private server flyff
It is very looked down upon in the FlyFF community to try and destroy private servers. You should not attempt to do this, as it is destroying private property and also ruining the game experience for everyone who plays on the private server.
In real Flyff you cant rebirth. In a private server Flyff you can rebirth BUT only if the server has a rebirth system. How to rebirth your character? Ask a admin and he/she will set your character's level to 60 master but he/she can only rebirth you if you're a hero, dont worry you'll still have your stat points.
You probally need to download the client of the server. Hope i helped ;) PS.Its me Geremy i just dint bother to login ;]
Pay for a server/host your own server. If you host your own, it will be laggy for other players because you have poor upload from home.
how do i make an private server flyff
It is very looked down upon in the FlyFF community to try and destroy private servers. You should not attempt to do this, as it is destroying private property and also ruining the game experience for everyone who plays on the private server.
In real Flyff you cant rebirth. In a private server Flyff you can rebirth BUT only if the server has a rebirth system. How to rebirth your character? Ask a admin and he/she will set your character's level to 60 master but he/she can only rebirth you if you're a hero, dont worry you'll still have your stat points.
You probally need to download the client of the server. Hope i helped ;) PS.Its me Geremy i just dint bother to login ;]
Pay for a server/host your own server. If you host your own, it will be laggy for other players because you have poor upload from home.
Well, whenever the FlyFF crew are going through server maitenence, all newly created FlyFF accounts will NOT work until they have finished with the update or maitenence. We do not know how long these updates take. Sorry for the inconvience :(
NO. Please use some other site for private servers. Haven't you ever heard of Google?
Go to and make an account, then dowload it and start playing. Have fun! ~Flyff Team
i will buy food with flyff money. to buy flyff gold is a fast and convenient way to get flyff money.
I would not attempt it, because other players can see it. The only use for CE on flyff is to speedhack. Again, other players can see it, as well as GM's that can ban you and your account.