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First you should have an account in Google then if you have an account you can actually create an account for you tube.

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Q: How do you create a you tube account?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be to create an account on You Tube?

you must be at least 13 years of age for a youtube account

Why won't you tube let you create an account?

because you have to be thirteen or older.

What do you have to pay to use a You Tube account?

YouTube accounts are free to create and use

How do i create a you tube account?

you go to youtube and it will say sign in or create account and u click on the one u want and fill out the form remember its free

How do get a You-Tube account?

You van sign up by going to youtube and on the top right corner you click log in and press create account!

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In order to get a subscription to 3d toon tube you must create an account with the site. Once that is done you will have the option to subscribe.

How do you sign up for you tube?

1. Go to the YouTube home channel 2. Click Create Account 3. Enter your information (you must be at least 13) Now you have a YouTube account!

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Not a vevo account a you tube account

How do you get a wall paper for your you tube account?

Create a YouTube or gmail account,...Log in to your your user settings there is a place to link to any file on the Internet. If you need to upload your picture, upload to googles Picasso, since you should now have a google/YouTube/Picasso account.