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Q: How do you create a bearshare account?
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How do you create bearshare account?

Check this my answer

How do you close a BearShare account?

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Lol bears music

Do you pay for songs on BearShare?

No, BearShare is freeware..."

Does Justin Bieber have bearshare?

he is a million air y would he have bearshare

Do you download bearshare to get Minecraft mods?

bearshare is not required to get minecraft mods.

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How do you put songs from bearshare into an IPOd?

You have to have iTunes and Bearshare up, and then download songs from Bearshare,and then go to the Libary,and drag the songs to the iTunes window,and then Sync your iPod (:

How do you download songs from bearshare to an ipod touch?

Open Bearshare and ITunes both and drag and drop Bearshare files intO iTunes ..... At least I think it'll work (^。^)........…

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Which is Better BearShare or LimeWire?

BearShare is better. if your on limewire dont go on it because it has spy-ware and it gets all your passwords + it gives your computer a virus. Use BearShare