You have to create a profile in EA games. But they are giving you the opportunity to play offline. But it will ask you everytime to connect to online. Go to EA webpage to know more.
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For a start you might want to go to NFS World Support, or by contacting the Admins for a account deletion of the recent account.
NFS stands for Need For Speed.
NFS Carbon
You can play 2 players on NFS Hot pursuit by online play.
Need for speed: Hot pursuit. The latter is actually need for speed III: Hot pursuit. It was one of the earliest NFS games, like NFS HP2.
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The last car in need for speed hot pursuit 2 is the NFS McLean flm1
Yes there will! It's the new Hot Pursuit (NFS Hot Pursuit 2010). It comes in a few months if it's not out already.
Its called Torrent, my friend :)
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