Simple! You can't! Only ROBLOX can create and upload Gear to the catalog but as a alternative you can create your own gear and upload it as a Model for other users to take and try in games. If your lucky ROBLOX COULD publish it!
To make your own model, you have to go Build on a game. Make the model you want to make. Click the Drag button. Highlight it. Press File and Publish Selection to ROBLOX. Press Create and name it. Enjoy! ~9tailedfox21 (a.k.a. PrimalBlade or cloner6348 on Roblox)
You can create a free account on roblox at
You can not. You can create a retexture, and hope it gets published, but it is very unlikely. Other than that Roblox is the only one who can create hair on Roblox.
You can't. It has to be Roblox.
Simple! You can't! Only ROBLOX can create and upload Gear to the catalog but as a alternative you can create your own gear and upload it as a Model for other users to take and try in games. If your lucky ROBLOX COULD publish it!
To make your own model, you have to go Build on a game. Make the model you want to make. Click the Drag button. Highlight it. Press File and Publish Selection to ROBLOX. Press Create and name it. Enjoy! ~9tailedfox21 (a.k.a. PrimalBlade or cloner6348 on Roblox)
You can create a free account on roblox at
You can not. You can create a retexture, and hope it gets published, but it is very unlikely. Other than that Roblox is the only one who can create hair on Roblox.
You can't. It has to be Roblox.
you can't only roblox can
you can create a roblox by registering then you can custamize your charachter and play loads of games :D
First, go to your place and click Build or Play Solo. Next, click Tools at the top. The studio tools should pop up. Then if you do not have anything you want to have as a model, make it. Then click the black Mouse tool (Drag Tool) and Click and drag over the bricks to want to be a model. Then go to File>Publish Selection to ROBLOX > Create (Update if you are updating a model) > and Save.
Builderman is the a staff of Roblox. He did not solely create Roblox. Get that right >.>
First, go into Roblox Studio. Next, create a new place. Build whatever you want in the game. Then, when your done. Go to file, and click, "Upload to Roblox". Follow the instructions Roblox gives.
You cannot wear a Hat model in a game on ROBLOX, you can only wear ROBLOX's hats in the catalog.
Freee model