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There are no horse saddles in minecraft, as regular saddles can be used for either pigs OR horses. Saddles cannot be crafted, and can only be found in abandoned mine shafts, dungeons, desert temples, jungle temples, and villages.

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Q: How do you craft a horse saddle in minecraft?
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Were is thesaddle in the crafting table in Minecraft?

you cant craft a saddle, you can only find them in dungeons.

How do you craft a saddle in Minecraft?

There are no horse saddles in minecraft, as regular saddles can be used for either pigs OR horses. Saddles cannot be crafted, and can only be found in abandoned mine shafts, dungeons, desert temples, jungle temples, and villages.

How do you put armor on a horse in Minecraft PC?

press on the horse with a right click then you can put on armor and saddle on a horse

How do you make a horse saddle in minecraft?

I had that problem once but the thing is you can't make one you have to a dudgeon and loot a saddle.

How do you put a saddle on a horse in Minecraft?

tame it by right clicking on a empty space in the inventory it takes a few trys to get the horse

How do I steer on a horse on Minecraft?

You need to have a saddle on it. Then, you will be able to steer it as you steer your player.

How to make horse armor on Minecraft?

You cannot make horse armor in Minecraft. Instead, you need to find it in dungeon chests.

How do you make a saddle on mine craft?

You cannot make saddles in minecraft but hopefully you will in a later update, the only way you can get and use a saddle is if you find a dungeon with a chest.

Is there a horse in minecraft pocket edition creative mode?

yes and you can saddle it through training it with apples

How do you get an easy horse on Minecraft?

Very simple. All you have to do, is get an Apple,click on a horse you want, and you can choose it's name. Then you must craft a saddle to ride it. OR you can breed two horses together with a pumpkin, and after a few minutes, you have a foal! But to tame it, it must be an adult. To tame it, repeat as of above.

What button do you much to ride a horse minecraft?

First, you must place a saddle on it and the horse must be tamed. Then, right click on the horse and left shift to dismount.

How do you make a saddle in mine craft without using a mod?

you don't. you find them in chests by mobspawners.