requirements: level 20 crafting, smithing, mining / 1 holy mould
mine silver ore
smith the ore into bars
with the holy mould in your inventory, put the bar in the furnace
Well, I don't think that there is a holy symbol mould. But Ice Fiends drop the Necklace. Or I think that a holy mould is what your looking for..
=You will need level 16 crafting to make a holy symbol:==Players can make holy symbols through the Crafting skill. First, a player must use a silver bar with a furnace while they have a holy symbol mould in their inventory. This will give the player an unstrung symbol and they will receive 50 crafting experience.=Next, the player must string the symbol with a ball of wool, giving the player 4 crafting experience and making the unstrung holy symbol into an Unblessed Symbol.Finally, the symbol must be blessed by Brother Jered on the second floor of the Monastery near Edgeville (you will need level 31 prayer).
Need: 20 Mining. 20 Smithing. 16 Crafting. 1: Mine silver ore 2: Have a holy symbol mould 3: Make the ore into bars 4: Make the bars into holy symbols
Spirit of Scorpius will Bless your unholy symbol - Location: Scorpius Shrine, South-west of Ardougne. With a prayer level of 31 or higher can have their unblessed holy symbols blessed by Brother Jered in the monastery.
I have placed a link that may be able to help you out in the "Related Links" section below.
To make a holy symbol on RuneScape, you need a holy mould, a silver bar, and a certain crafting level.
You can purchase one in the Grand Exchange.
Well, I don't think that there is a holy symbol mould. But Ice Fiends drop the Necklace. Or I think that a holy mould is what your looking for..
The fastest way to buy most things is the Grand Exchange. A holy symbol can be bought there, too. You can also make a holy symbol yourself, at a furnace, using a holy mould and a silver bar.
=You will need level 16 crafting to make a holy symbol:==Players can make holy symbols through the Crafting skill. First, a player must use a silver bar with a furnace while they have a holy symbol mould in their inventory. This will give the player an unstrung symbol and they will receive 50 crafting experience.=Next, the player must string the symbol with a ball of wool, giving the player 4 crafting experience and making the unstrung holy symbol into an Unblessed Symbol.Finally, the symbol must be blessed by Brother Jered on the second floor of the Monastery near Edgeville (you will need level 31 prayer).
To create a holy symbol you must have a silver bar and a holy symbol mould which is bought at one of the many crafting stores around Runescape. Once you have this, use the silver bar on a furnace to create a unstrung symbol.Now you must string the symbol, to do this get a ball of wool and use it on the unstrung symbol, you can get a ball of wool by either:buying it from a playerbuying it from the Grand Exchangeshearing a sheep and using the wool and a spinning wheelYou will now receive and unblessed symbol.To get the symbol blessed you must take it to 'Brother Jered' who is located at the 2nd floor of the monestry (Prayer Guild) therefore you must have the prayer level required to enter to talk to him which is 31 prayer or you can go up if you are member. once you have talked to him, the unblessed symbol will change into a blessed symbol.
You need a holy mould, ball of wool and a complete prayerbook ( guthix or holy ) to make one for yourself, along with 50 prayer.
Need: 20 Mining. 20 Smithing. 16 Crafting. 1: Mine silver ore 2: Have a holy symbol mould 3: Make the ore into bars 4: Make the bars into holy symbols
look on the world map, for example a anvil symbol is a anvil, the way i learned is by going on the world map from, dogtoot2
you craft it
runescape has more total however idk if runescape has more members