It is usually beaten with the Rapid Advancing Silver strategy and a good understding of the position, but it depends on the opening and other factors in account. This makes sense for Bishop Exchange, where no matter what Black plays, White will beat him with a better strategy.
In Rapid Advancing Silver, you push the Right-Hand Knight's pawn and bring your Silver through that diagonal and proceed with a rapid attack in most cases.
More information can be found at, where there lay many other videos on Shogi strategies.
in mahogany town beat team rocket then go to goldenrod city and beat team rocket there too then you get the silver feather or if heart gold you get the rainbow feather see i know this because i beat the game already
first you have to beat team rocket when there in mahogany store and then you go to the radio tower in goldenrod and beat team rocket there and when your done with that the radio station director will give you the silver wing... good luck
You must beat the game by getting all 8 badges then you have to beat the elite four and then the champion, Lance. After that go get all 8 Kanto badges and beat the elite four and the champion again. Then prof. Oak will see you are strong and allow you to go to mt. silver.
get some good pokemons (lv 100 beat him up easly!) or trade! :)
he's gone.he was never to be found.
To accurately measure the tempo of a piano beat using a beat counter, simply tap the beat counter in time with the piano music. The beat counter will then display the tempo in beats per minute (BPM), giving you an accurate measurement of the speed of the piano beat.
we can beat him by punching him
watch the movie
beat the last gym leader on soul silver in johto
You must beat Red, the game's version of Ash, at the top of Mount Silver.
Red does not reappear after you beat him.
You have to beat red in order to beat the game.
In silver, you have to beat red in the silver cave. After you beat him, go talk to prof. oak and he will give it to you.
If you've already won the battle against Red, you may re-challenge him by first beating the Elite 4, and climbing Mt. Silver again. [Heart Gold, Soul Silver] In the original Gold, Silver, and Crystal, you do not need to beat the Elite 4 again. All you have to do is climb Mt. Silver, as many times as you want, and re-battle him. [Original Gold, Silver, Crystal]
No he is not at his house or at mt. silver but after u beat him and get a kanto starter from oak go to silph. co. in saffron city go to the counter there is a man talk to him he asks u what stone u would like the red stone is torchic the blue stone is mudkip and the green is trecko but no more Red!
After you beat Falkner, he is always in the gym.
counter leone is preety stong more of a stimina/deffence it can beat most of the beyblades