If you go to Wizard101's website, click "homepage", scroll down to the bottom of the page that loads, then click "contact us", a page will load with all their contact information. However, probably none of your contacts will go to the actual creator, but support members.
Go To Their Website And Hit Contact
Go on wiki answers and ask.
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from Wizard101.com
there is only one way to contact the creater of Pokemon games by just going to http://gamefreak.co.jp/
There is no such thing, as Wizard101 is a game for children 10 +
YOUR MOM with your dad
Contact Wizard101 Support at: via email;; support@wizard101.com
Go To Their Website And Hit Contact
Yes The creater does have a chararcter! I saw it on the Homepage he was dueling the biggest fan of Wizard101 Angel Dragongem I forgot the creater's name but there's the awenser (I forgot how to spell it)
Go to austin texas
i want to get all the islands from the creator of poptropica but how do i contact him?
Ask the creator by emailing him don't ask me I don't know his email.
Believe it or not you can get in contact with the designers of creator on the website!
At www.pokecommunity.com
Go on wiki answers and ask.
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from Wizard101.com
Wizard101 is for windows. But I believe you could get Wizard101 for Mac.