Read the instruction manual, it has picture instructions how to do it.
here is Speakers > Mosfed > 15 inch 300 watt. 2500 watt behringer euro. 4 box. 2x2. 18 inch 600 watt. 4500 watt - 1 soundstanderd. 4 w-bin, 1x1. 4 tweuter 250 watt ahuja empli. Destributar + Crossover Behringer super x pro cx2310. + mixer StudioMaster + Computer. Please Crossover Cannection. Repley me...........
wii manager pro
An MLG pro is someone that plays on on the PRO-Circuit Ladder or PCL or PCOQ which is a ladder on that you pay 25 dollars to join most MLG pros play Halo or Call of Duty but there is also starcraft II and super smash bros brawl. Sometimes people with say "OMG IM MLG PRO" when they do something good in there game. There is lots of variations of what people mean when they say MLG pro such as some people think when they receive money from playing the game that they are PRO at it.
i no a couple there is cold-blooded pro scavange pro marothon pro and a couple others
you can find it at behringer website
You can find it on Behringer website
The CX2310 only has three outputs. If you really need to split the subwoofer signal into two, use a Y-cable.
here is Speakers > Mosfed > 15 inch 300 watt. 2500 watt behringer euro. 4 box. 2x2. 18 inch 600 watt. 4500 watt - 1 soundstanderd. 4 w-bin, 1x1. 4 tweuter 250 watt ahuja empli. Destributar + Crossover Behringer super x pro cx2310. + mixer StudioMaster + Computer. Please Crossover Cannection. Repley me...........
here is Speakers > Mosfed > 15 inch 300 watt. 2500 watt behringer euro. 4 box. 2x2. 18 inch 600 watt. 4500 watt - 1 soundstanderd. 4 w-bin, 1x1. 4 tweuter 250 watt ahuja empli. Destributar + Crossover Behringer super x pro cx2310. + mixer StudioMaster + Computer. Please Crossover Cannection. Repley me...........
Read the manual for instructions
The Behringer Pro Audio Systems are famous for many reasons. The Behringer Pro Audio Systems are famous for going from a "kitchen-table start up" company to one of the most successful audio companies in the world.
SORRY THIS IS WHAT I HAVE I have a Allen & Heath Zed R16 Mixer A Behringer Ultra Gain pro Mic2200 A Behringer Composer pro XL An equiliser(cant remember the name) an Aphex aural exciter 204 with big bottom B1 condenser mic i need to know how to connect these together. I have looked and seen no help thanks a million in advance. Marcus
Depends on the condition, but in generally: Not much.
Read the manual for recommended settings.
The number of plugs of a Behringer Eurorack depends on the model: there are different models available ranging from 5 plugs (UB502) to 24 plugs (UB2442FX-PRO).