u go into the boiler room and click fuse box and turn them all green
The puffle mission on Club Penguin is called "Case of the Missing Puffles". It is mission 1. You can only do it by being a secret agent. See the related links below of how to complete the mission.
the secrete word is mogul
Fix the brown penguin's glasses.
go on Google search then type "club penguin guide Gary secret mission then watch the video on youtube an easier way is just go to you tube type in club penguin garys secret misssion walkthrough and watch the video
it is 3568
you dont
Yes there is a secret mission on Club Penguin.
The easiest way? Go on youtube.com and search: G's Secret Mission=and then, click on a video to see how you can complete it!=
The puffle mission on Club Penguin is called "Case of the Missing Puffles". It is mission 1. You can only do it by being a secret agent. See the related links below of how to complete the mission.
The Mission Is Not Out Yet In Club Penguin In 2010 , OK.
It means that your penguin is doing a secret mission (You have to be a secret agent which is the secret agency).
See the related links below for more details on how to complete mission nine in Club Penguin.
Agent HQ
Just go on a mission
the secrete word is mogul