Do you mean on act 1 or act 2. To beat president act 1 you must cut in and use the injection thingy on the poison and heal cuts (in that order) then close your incision. Before you cut in again try to heal with that injection thingy so your heart rate is at about 100+ then cut in. There are 3 poison blobs and a bee. I'd quickly get rid of the poison and then use the car battery on the bee 3 times but don't do it all at once or you'll stop the heart. After one strike of the bee a poison blob will appear so quickly strike the bee until it's dead then heal poison, cut and close incision.
To get an A you need to rack up the ''AWESOME''s and not make any mistakes. Also try to let the poison multiply a little so you get more points.
To beat president (who's actually Dwayne Pipe) act 2. First heal the cuts that makes the shape of a lightning bolt then cut in to find the heart then inject the poison and heal cuts then heal the heart to 100+ then cut in heart to find a centipede crawling around. If you have finished amateur surgeon 1 you probally know what to do with the centipede which is to use a chain saw on the red parts of it. After killed it will leave a poison blob so inject it and heal small cuts left over. The screen will shake so get your chainsaw or Pizza cutter ready. A giant worm will appear after a few seconds so chansaw him until he is dizzy and comes back then 3 of his eyes (which is those red things at the top the worm) will open so inject one then heal so heart rate is up and running. The BIGGEST CUT EVER in this game and amateur surgeon 1 will appear and also another centipede. Repeat this until all three eyes of that worm is injected after that not 1 not 2 but 3 centipedes so act fast and smart after everything is done close up the 2 incisions and you've finished the WHOLE game.
Only Masters can get an A on this patient. Multiplied poison= more points.
Secrets: In act 1 try to finish all the patients with an A to unlock the secret patient who is some sort vampire. If you haven't unlocked the vampire go to the credits on the tital screen. one of those pictures have the vampire on it. In act 2 use the same strategy as act 1 to unlock the secret character who is Dr. Bleed. To resurruct him you need to keep his heart rate above 30 for 30 seconds so that he is alive again. using a different strategy then the injecter. you will also have new tools such as vampire tears and cough syrup. Hope this helps.
You can unlock secret files on amateur surgeon 2 by getting all the patients a grade a. Hope this helps.
Re: How do you hack amateur surgeon? 1.Dont Need to hack. 2. Go in google and Type Hacked Amateur Surgeon. 3.T H E E N D
Burn the things to the side of your screen. 3. A 2. B 1. C
You need to use the chainsaw on the crabs twice. once when they are shelled, and once after. Afterwards, you need to pick up the shell with the tongs and sew up the wounds. proceed as usual
You have to get amateur online status I don't know how to get that but i
its up now for amateur surgeon 2, if you want to play it beat all the levels
You can unlock secret files on amateur surgeon 2 by getting all the patients a grade a. Hope this helps.
Re: How do you hack amateur surgeon? 1.Dont Need to hack. 2. Go in google and Type Hacked Amateur Surgeon. 3.T H E E N D
because it wont.
staple the gold bar in his belly than pierce his nipples for the bonus stage is where people usually get stuck
there is now way.
It was released in early 2010.
2 had its share , but now their all gone i believe
no you don't
use the chainsaw
Kill him with the chainsaw.
Wait for it to land, then zap it with the car battery.