you have to click on the glowing people and you will get the test liquids and then you have to click goober and then you have to go up in the clouds and talk to them up there and while you are up there you have to dig and then you are going to have to go underwater and talk to the trolls girlfriend and then you have to find statues and then you need to talk to the underwater king then you have to back up to the clouds and talk to the troll and then you have to go in a cave and talk to some people and then find some machines then you have to deliver some box's of chocolate's and then go back to the cave and then talk to the person back in the cave and then you will get the machine and then you are done with the quest.
make the sims toy want to be fell in love with drink it. by clicking ont them then click drink love potion x
Yes Webkinz is very fun! The webkinz are so cute and i love playing on Webkinz! I have only two but i am hoping to get more! I am 16 and my sister is 21 and we play... I love webkinz too! I have 18 of them and i have been playing for years! My favorite game is polar plunge!
Webkinz is a great, fun website for kids. I love it, you need to adopt a Webkinz to play on the Wewbsite. Here's how: Buy a Webkinz or LilKinz plush toy. Go to the Webkinz website Click New Member if you're new, If you already have a Webkinz click Log In NEW MEMBER: Choose your Country And do all the things Miss Birdy tells you to. Webkinz is AWESOME! I love it!
Black labs love puppy
It is VERY SAFE FOR KIDS! Kids love webkinz, they have a clubhouse witch you can chat in but you don't have to go in there.
The Love Potion was created in 1903.
The way you get rid of ur love potion is to simply wait for the two hearts to keep blinking. However, after that the love potion will be gone.
Love Potion - song - was created on 2002-08-21.
If you have this Webkinz then, yes. But you have to use a code. If you do not, you can't. Love Puppies are no longer sold.
The apothecary accidentally sold him a poison instead of a love potion.This potion will cure your baldness.
love potion is mixed with garlic salt, vegatable oil, loving purfume, and vanilla to make it work put the love potion into the person u wish to fall in love with when they drink it it will work.
webkinz is not working because it just does not work andi love webkinz
The Love Potion - 1911 was released on: USA: 4 July 1911
New Webkinz Clothing, Webkinz Chicken, Webkinz lil' kinz mouse, Webkinz Pink Google and a Webkinz Love kitten.
the amortentia potion is the strongest love potion in the world [ harry potter world ]
The Cheat for v3 for the love potion is BCBCCABAHope it works Good Luck!