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(fire red and leaf green version, im not sure if this is the right directions on other games) go in to the silph co. office building and go to floor 5(on the elevator) , when you get out of the elevator take one step forward and run left until you hit a wall and then run down battle the team rocket grunt and then stand on the transporter thing and then step off it and stand on it again, walk right until you see a pokeball, that pokeball is a card key, then after that go to floor 3, (on the elevator) when you get off run down until you reach 2 door ways (they might be closed or open im not too sure) open the one on the left and go in, then you will see a transporter and stand on it, it takes you to a room with your rival and another person in it, battle your rival (be prepared he is stronger) after talk to the other guy and he gives you something (not telling what =p ) than stand on the other transporter and then run straight down, battle the other rocket grunt and then open the other door and you will battle the rocket boss and once you beat him you will be givin a master ball, (i suggest using an escape rope and taking your Pokemon to the Pokemon center before you battle the rocket boss, and just follow the same directions back to that spot and save it so that you don't have to do it all over again if you loose)

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Q: How do you complete rocket warehouse maze?
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There is a supernerd in the top right corner of the warehouse but the only way to reach him is by using the arrow panels to direct you over there.

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use the arrows on the floor of the warehouse to get to the northern area of the warehouse.

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Pokemon leaf green team rocket warehouse maze answer?

There is acually a pattern to find the ruby first you go down then up then to the right and then the left. just follow the pattern until you find the ruby. GOOD LUCK!

Where do you find Team Rocket after you defeat them in the Ice Cave in Pokemon?

Team Rocket's Warehouse

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To get into the Team Rocket Warehouse, go to the game corner and beat the Team Rocket Grunt that is standing by the poster. Beat him in battle then go down the steps after you turn the switch behind the poster.

How do you get into the team rocket warehouse?

sneak up on em