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First, make a triangle. Then put the four dots anywhere on the triangle.

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Q: How do you close four dots with three lines?
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How do you join four dots with only three lines?

0----0----0----0 Three lines; four dots

Are there any cheats for the game dots?

Assuming you are referring to the game where you connect dots with lines, while trying complete the least amount of squares, there are no cheats. The easiest way to play is to scan the dots to see if there are three lines for every group of four dots, and go from there!

What is this clothing logo three dots over four dots?

i believe it is called three dots

How do you use only four lines to touch only thirteen dots without overlapping?

you put the thirteen dots parallel to the lines horizontally

Is it correct to use four dots instead of three?

In grammar, three dots in a row indicates a pause. It is expected that the sentence or dialogue will continue after the dots. Four dots means a pause and the end of that sentence.

Can you connect nine dots with four straight lines?

put all nine dots in a straight line, then any positive number of lines will be sufficient.

What is this clothing logo four dots under three dots?

It's women's fashion. Threedot'

What do four dots mean?

== == Three dots are ellipses, meaning that something is left out. If you combine ellipses with a period, then that would leave four dots... meaning that something is left out, and then it ends.

How do you connect 12 dots with 5 straight lines and end where you begin?

Draw a line from one dot in the center to the other four dots. Or, draw a straight line. Place dots at either end of the line, and place dots in the center of the line.

A single polygon is made by joining dots in a four by four grid with straight lines which meet only at dots at their end points no dot is at more than one corner what is the greatest possible number o?


Show diagram on how do you connect nine dots with four lines without lifting your pencil from the paper?

Hoped this helped!

How do you solve separate 7 dots with 3 lines?

Oh, dude, it's like super simple. You just draw one line through four dots, then another line through two dots, and finally, the last line through one dot. Boom, you've separated those dots like a boss. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!