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well i have a white dsi and i usually just get a cotton swab wet it with alcohol and rub the outer shell and the inner shell but not the screen







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Q: How do you clean your dsi?
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There are four things I can think you can/should do. 1. Move the AR around a bit and it should detect. 2. Take out the AR and then put it back in. 3. Clean your AR and place it back in the DSi. 4. Clean your AR and your DSi's game slot and then re-insert your AR. Hope this answer helps. (If you have the flipote studio app for the DSi and the internet, connect to flipnote hatena and add me as a friend. My Hatena name is: ♦Soul♦)

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Does the Nintendo DSi charger fit the Nintendo DSi XL?

yes a dsi charger fits a dsi XL and a dsi XL fits the dsi

How much is the DSi and the DSi XL?

UK: DSi - £129.99 Dsi XL - £169.99 - £189.00 US: DSi - (approx) $149.99 DSi XL - $189.99

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No, the dsi XL has a bigger screen than the dsi.

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Yes, the DSi charger is the same as the DSi XL.

Can the dsi games be played on a dsi lite console?

There is no "DSi lite" console but if you mean the DSi XL, it is fully compatible with DSi games(although you'll have to buy them twice if you want a copy on a DSi and a DSi XL)

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I dont really get what your saying. But if your saying how to get internet for the dsi. Go to dsi shop > dsi ware > free > DSi internet