I use velocity facial moisturizer to fix this messed up desk and it worked. im sure any other moisturizer would work but that's the one i used.
It means either the disk is unreadable because of a dirt or scratched. Also, the disk drive may be dirty.
Blockbuster have a machine that will fix any scratched disc for £2, no matter how scratched, but it cannot be repaired if the disk is shattered or snapped and will have to be replaced.
My friend actually used a disc cleaner that I bought at a Block buster on his Halo disk that was completely un-usable and it worked perfectly after using it. Just make sure you follow instuctions
Try rubbing alcohol people say it works well
You can't as the game has been scratched down into a few layers of the disk making the game unusable or only temporarily usable in some cases.
As with all systems, your disk is probably dirty. Clean it and try again.
u dont
It means either the disk is unreadable because of a dirt or scratched. Also, the disk drive may be dirty.
To fix a scratched disk is to either use a disk cleaner or toothpaste, yes toothpaste. look it up google is your friend
Blockbuster have a machine that will fix any scratched disc for £2, no matter how scratched, but it cannot be repaired if the disk is shattered or snapped and will have to be replaced.
Sounds like your disk is scratched.
either you disk has scratched up on the security part of the disk or something is wrong with your disk drive
I'm assuming its a disk-similar to a CD try using windex, yes, windex. spray it onto a towel and then gently wipe it straight across the disk, not in circles. hope it works!
Nothing is wrong with the Xbox. Your disk is either dirty or damaged. Check the disk for dirt or scratches - either will cause a malfunction.
When I need to clean a disk, I grab some shampoo and spread it over the disk, then I rinse it off. Don't scrub it. Then I dry it off with a tissue. I also do this for scratched games. It doesn't actually fix the scratches, but it somehow helps and I'm able to play the game again.
buy disk cleaner from the store.
your disk is scratched