On the rim where the flowers are, there is a little button. Push the button and the lid should open up just about a crack, stick a butter knife in there and pop it up and TA-DA there's your meeba
this cheat is to skip a level in call of bieber: 2121this cheat is to run faster : 4661this cheat is for invincible : 2088this cheat is for bieberthe midget :9017this cheat is to add 5000 cash : 1212this cheat is for a bonus wallpaper : 0000
No cheat for it in GTA.
There is no cheat.
there is no cheat
Dont cheat do the work.
i really dont think can cheat cheat on meeba
There aren't any codes for My Meebas.
it is bad boo hoo hoo
Play all 7 levels on your Meebas handheld and push up that one lever thing and it'll open from the top.
Marbles my meebas!!
nope just on the screen
3 Or 4
They have them at Target, Toys 'R Us, and probably Walmart and any where that sells toys.
It depends on witch store Walmart either 10$ or 19.99$
If you have a Target store near you, then they sell them. Toys 'R Us sells them. Probably any where that has toys.
U could buy it at kmart,walmart,or justice,but only in the US. Hope this helps.
My meebas come out of the top of the thingy when you beat all the levels- sometimes they get stuck though and you have to reset it.