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There is no cheat.

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Q: What is the cheat to get abducted by aliens?
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How do you get an alien baby on sims 2?

You have to get a male sim abducted by aliens, by using a cheat or stargazing until he is abducted. Then he will be gone for several hours. When he returns he will be pregnant with an alien child

How do you get abducted by aliens on Sims 2 double deluxe using the boolprop cheat?

It randomly happens you don't know it will happen

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What do you do if you are being abducted by aliens?

If you are abducted by aliens dont move cause they dont know what you are yet then try run away from them slowly

Is there a cheat to get abducted by aliens on Sims 2?

Yes type Ctrl+Shift+C then type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true (exactly how i typed it) then buy the most exspensive telescope then Shift+Click on it and click debug get abducted.

There are people that claim to have been abducted and converse telepathically with aliens has any of them asked the aliens about God?

Yes, there are many people that have claimed to be abducted. But none on record have have asked about God when being abducted.

In which series was moulder abducted by aliens in the x files?

Mulder is abducted by aliens at the end of the seventh season. It is because of this that he does not appear in much of the eight or ninth seasons.

Can you get abducted by an alien on Sims life stories?

at night you stargaze with the telescope. or you can use the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true cheat and then SHIFT + click on the telescope and select abduct by aliens.

What is an abductee?

An abductee is someone who is abducted, particularly by aliens.

Can you get abducted by aliens in the sims 3?

No.You can't.