^^ Here is how you fool scram-x this is how my "friend" did it twice, the only two times tried to
do it and it worked. Here's what your going to need. A package of cured ham and a magnet. This is a smelly solution but it worked twice the only 2 times drank on scram. Cured ham being close to human skin (thanks mythbusters) and the magnet is to reset it without setting off tamper alarms. My "friend" figured this out on their own. This is a smelly solution but it works. So here is how you do it.
Take the ham warm it up to body temperature ( Do this by sticking the ham between your
butt cheeks for 20-30 minutes). Put the slices of ham between your ankle and the unit make sure
that no part of the unit is in contact with your skin (the strap is ok). Now tap the top of the
unit with a magnet, it should vibrate when you do; then just tap with with a magnet every half
our or so. He slept with the ham in too so I don't know how much of a role the magnet plays. Its
really that simple, don't take the ham out until the alcohol is out of your system. There is no
guarantee this will work for you; try at your own risk.
The first time my "friend" drank 1/2 a pint of whiskey and a bottle of wine and the second time a pint of whiskey so it's wasn't light drinking. I hope this post cost scram millions of dollars
because it does work if you do it right. The government has no right interfering with the every
day lives of people, if I want to have a beer after a hard days work that's my right; last time I checked we were supposed to be in America the land of the free, not the land of suppression. The only thing you control in life is whether you choose to be good or evil. That's it I
hope this information is helpful.
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No cheat for it in GTA.
There is no cheat.
there is no cheat
Dont cheat do the work.
to scram = largarse
The African Luhya word for the English word 'scram' is "lwanaa".
Scram C Baby was created in 1987.
There is only one syllable in the word scram.
Can you do Molly while on the scram bracelet
He saw the police coming so he told his comrades to scram.
Is polyvinyl alcohol detected by scram bracelet
SCRAM bracelets are designed to detect alcohol consumption through sweat. They are not specifically designed to detect methamphetamine use.
How can I drink with a scram monitoring
Can I get a tattoo while wearing a scram alcohol bracelet
No where.
The first.