1.click on your profile picture 2.click change status 3.choose between truce,normal and holiday
4.enter your password 5.click change
Once your in truce, you can change it intill it has expires
You don't. Only way to change it is to disband the alliance and remake it.
yes u can download desktop evony
go to the bottom left and click on your old picture you should see a menu and click on the arrows (<-/->) to change it
On the log in screen select a new server. You cannot move a city to a different server.
Once your in truce, you can change it intill it has expires
yes, teleport
You can only change it once.
You don't. Only way to change it is to disband the alliance and remake it.
not been playing long but every time you make a change it saves it.
Unfortunately, you cannot change your email address, only your password. You can, however, designate another email as a secondary email for notifications and password changes. From the main evony screen, click Manage Account and follow the links.
Evony happened in 2009.
click on your characters face on the top right hand corner in the game
Evony age II is now out.
Goto your feasting hall and click one click change
yes u can download desktop evony
How do you change your relationship status from your iPod touch