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To change your display name, visit the Account Management section of RuneScape or FunOrb and select 'Change your display name'. You can then change your display name to anything that is not currently in use by or 'held' for (see next paragraph) another player. (NOTE: Once you have changed your display name, you will be unable to do so again for 28 days, even to revert back to your previous display name, so make sure you are happy with your new name before confirming the change.)

You must also be a member, F2P cannot change their display name.

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Q: How do you change your name in runescape?
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How change a RuneScape name?

Are you a member in runescape?If not, be a member then you can change your name...How to change your name if you are a member:Go to the Runescape Home page(make sure you are a member if you are going to do this)Click CommunityClick Change Username or something like thatThen change it

How do you change your name in runescape for non members?

u cant its p2p only

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There is no editor for Runescape. The only people that have the programs to edit or change Runescape is Jagex.

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To change your in game name display you must go onto the account management section on the main menu of RuneScape. It will direct you to the Jagex log in site whenever you click on the part that allows you to change your name. Then, just as with creating a free account, you choose a name that is then checked for availablitly. Once you find an available name, your done. To log back in to RuneScape, you must use your original name, as the name change function only changes the display name.

Can you change your username in RuneScape?

Not yet. But I think they're working on a program that will allow you to change your display name but keep your login id the same

RuneScape stat changer?

There is no tool that can be used to change your stats in Runescape.

How do you change your clan's name on Runescape?

Visit the scribe and get 4 other founders. You'll have a registered clan, and you will also be able to name it. For friends chat, change the chat name under clan settings.

How do you change your name in RuneScape for free?

so far, u cant. Unless you somehow get a free membership, u have to buy membership and then change ur name. If you get membership, you can change ur name by looking under "account magnet" and the find "change username"

How do you change your information on RuneScape?

Runescape Homepage > Cursor over Account > Account Settings > browse what you want to change.

What is good name for RuneScape?

I just call it "RuneScape".

How to change your word in runescape.?

once typed you cant change it, but if it's user-name or password they both can be changed under the account setting menu.