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You can normally change your gender when you first start playing runescape, but after this the only way to do it, is to go to the makeover mage whom is based south west of falador, if you look on your mini-map it should look like a skull sort of icon. Don't forget that she charges 3,000gp for the makeover.

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Q: How do you change your gender on RuneScape?
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How do you change gender in runescape without makeover Mage?

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what? let me get this don't think girls can play, or there are no girl charters? For the first one anyone can play runescape (unless you have been band). For the next one, yes there are girls in runescape. If you want to change your gender you can go to the Makeover Mage near faldor.

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Either 1) you start your account as a woman, or 2) you change your gender by talking to the make-over mage. He/she is located in a house southwest (and outside) of Falador.

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Runescape Homepage > Cursor over Account > Account Settings > browse what you want to change.

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